Past and Present Club Projects & Supported Organisations

Ambulance to Eye Hospital in Puttar East in India
Ambulance to Shree BharathiNetrachikitsalaya Eye Hospital in India
Angel Flights
Anzac Day Service provide seating and Public
Address system
Apprenticeship Awards
Aquabox Australia
Ardmona Community Complex has received our support
Ardmona Fruit Products Cannery Compressor restored assembled and relocated to Ferrari Park
Australia Day BBQ for Community
Baker Foundation Healthy Hearts Bus hosted
supporting health Checks in Mooroopna
Balfour Family Appeal
Beds (Hospital Beds)  (45) to Zambia, about 80 to Sri Lanka, others elsewhere
Bike Ride Marshaling
Blood Pressure Testing 3652 tested in first 3 years  about600 referrals then figures dropped and we ceased in 1981
Blue Light Disco supported
Books for International House 1500 Books
Auctioned to raise funds
Bone Marrow Register. Ken and Cath Birkett
motivated this project and raised a lot of money locally which we supported
Bowel Scan for Bowel Cancer detection
Bowls Days
Business Clinic
Business Dinner
Bush Fire Relief  Alexandra, Kilmore, Melton,Marysville Public UGFM Radio
Transmitter & 300 Rose Plants etc
Camp Quality
Camping Trips
Career Development Program
Cemetery Clean up, Restoration & Lawn Cemetery
Cemetery Beautification under Campbell King 1976/7
Lawn Cemetery  supported
Chamber of Commerce Established
Chinaman’s Garden Established
Charity BBQs
Christchurch Victims of Earthquake Hosted
Christmas Dinner for Waratah Lodge 1990 & still going
Clean Up Australia working bees in Watt Rd over many years
Club Banner designed
Combined Schools Concert
Community Fund
Community Christmas Hampers
Cord Blood support
Community Awards   a number have been
presents over the years
Created lists of JP’s for distribution
Dairy India Supported
Dance Sports
Dhurringile Rehab Centre Visit, even played cricket with inmates
Donations in Kind Supported. Glasses, Beds, Books, plus money
Donations of Physiotherapy & Occupational
Therapy Equipment
District Conferences, Good attendance over the years
Disaster Aid (Shelter Boxes)
Driver Training Support
Dookie College Working Bee
Drought Assistance  Seed Project with Vouchers
Drug Education Van for schools
EVOLVE  (was TYPO Station) providing low cost & medicare related counseling, supervision and training workshops in narrative approaches and adventure therapy
Exchange Students (from 18 Countries-  Japan, Philippines, USA, Canada, England, France, Germany, Belgium, Thailand, New Zealand, Malaysia,  Denmark, Argentina, Netherlands, Brazil, Sweden, South Africa,
Students in and out total over 70
Eye camps for Blind and deworming project both in India, financed by progressive Dinner
Eye Charts to detect degeneration of eyes
FAIM  team member. Fred Mandersloot returned to Solomon Islands
FAIM – Fourth Avenue in Service now RAWS
(Rotary Australia World Wide Service)
Fairley Leadership Program support to candidate
Fiji.  50 Bathers to Fiji
Fish Farming Kenya
Floods after 1974 investigated cause
Fodder for Flooded Farmers Stock
Football Club Support
Fred Hollows Project
Fruit Salad Day started 1979/80  (developed from Operation Pear to Pear Day then Fruit Salad Day in 1985/6) Big Santo supplied trucks & equipment & bought fruit at Footscray Market
Fund Raising our club & members have raised funds from our projects and  donations and helped raise funds for Senior Citizens Hall, Sir Ian McLennan Centre,  Rodney Park Retirement Village, the Mooroopna Performing Arts Centre, Historical Society of Mooroopna, and GVHealth Cancer Centre, and many smaller projects in all totaling Millions or dollars
Gemmils Wetland Support
Geriatric support at base hospital
Golf Days, was being done annually until course was being updated
Group Study Exchange.   Greg Martin 1991/2 & Laurie Fagan  have lead outward groups. Team members sent are Phillip Collins to the Netherlands, Peter Bicknell to London, and  David  Banfield to Korea. Our club have hosted Study Teams from overseas.
GVHealth supported with large donation for
Cancer Wing etc
GV Pipes & Drums Band
Haiti Earthquakes
Handyman Home Safety Campaign
Health Hunger & Humanity
Historical Society of Mooroopna was saved & we helped raise raise $430,000
Home Help established 1972/3
Hospital Beds to Sri Lanka & Zambia
Hospital Support
Hostel $1000 set aside for hostel. 1982/3                                                           12 Flats established 1988/9                                                                            Hostel opened 1989/90
House Project.  3 homes built.  1974/5, 1977/8, 1993/4
Ian Murphy Memorial Debating
Indonesian Students  support  Donna Harper who brings a new group here for education & work each year
Infant Cot Death 5 Baby Breathing Alarm Monitors donated to Hospital
International House
Junior Netball
John Gray Oval Stage and 3 Phase Power
Kani City Rotary Club our sister club We have enjoyed several trips each way
Latrobe Language Students Hosted 1993/4 and other years
Learn & Grow
Learner Driver Support for 120 hour driving needed prior to getting license
Life Education
Mardi Gras started 1980 but renamed as New Years Festival
Meals on Wheels every weekend & Public Holiday since early 70s
Medic Alert
Memorial Garden for Colleen & Laura Irwin in Toolamba
Mental Health Forum
Mental Health  Postnatal Depression awareness
Midnight Basketball  for two years
Moira Kelly Farm support which helps life changing surgical support for overseas children
Mooroopna Schools Awarded regularly
Mooroopna Early Learning
Mooroopna High School  supplied computers 1988/9  plus various Awards over the years
Mooroopna Junior Football Club
Mooroopna Park Primary School
Mooroopna Primary school. Pottery Kiln
Mooroopna Primary School support after fire
Mooroopna Primary School  Sound Film Projector
Mooroopna Secondary College Presentation Night
Mooroopna Skate Park
Mooroopna Secondary College Scholarships over the years
Mooroopna Secondary College Sports Buildings supported
Mooroopna Secondary College Peer Group Support
Mooroopna Secondary College support to Music Program
Mooroopna Service Clubs Bowls Nights at Mooroopna Bowling Club
Monster Market and Boat Caravan and Camping event at Recreation Reserve
Multi Cultural Association
MUNA Mooroopna Secondary College Students taken to Canberra to be involved (Model United Nations Assembly
Murray Darling Freshwater Research Project we have supported a number of Mooroopna
students to this project
Music Foundation
National Heart Appeal,
National Youth Science Forum in Canberra, Kelvin & Margaret Rogash acted as Rotarian Uncle & Aunt at one of these forums, for local
New Years Eve held each year, replaced the name Mardi Gras but that name still arises, One year 1987/8 held in Shepparton
Night Rider Bus  Members have volunteered to be Drivers
Notre Dame Energy Breakthrough  & Human
Powered Vehicle program
NOVAS Supporting Numurkah Disabled
Odyssey House financial support
Oncology Department
Operation Cleft
Operation Pear Fresh Fruit to South Melbourne Rotary Club until 1978/9  for charity distribution
Opportunity Shop
Organ Recital
Paul Harris Fellows
People Supporting People
Performing Arts Centre at Mooroopna Secondary College supported
Picnic and BBQ area established at Chinaman’s Garden with support of the Tourist Development Grant $1440 & our club contributed $360 plus labour & machinery
Police Station saved and new station now in
Polio Plus Project started 1987/8 a huge project, with massive costs, but has made major
Probus Clubs established in Mooroopna 1992/3. Then Rodney Mooroopna. in 1994/5 some  200 members in total
Raised Money. Helped to raise about $4,000.000 for local projects
Raffle TV
Raffle Car. 1981/2  first Mardi Gras
Recreation Reserve support Road Signs
RAM Rotary Against Malaria   supported
RAWCS  supported with annual donations
Rock & Mineral & Gem Show
Rodney Park Village Raised $1,000,000 locally plus about 800,000 from Government &
Rodney Shire. This now houses about 200 people in Nursing Home Beds, Dementia Beds, Hostel Beds plus Independent Living
ROMAC support  (Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children)
Rotary Club of Eagle-hawk flood appeal for
Rotary Club of Tatura project
Rotary District Significant Achievment Award received for Rodney Park Retirement Village achievement
Rotary Foundation Support every year
Rotary Friendship Exchange  some of members have been involved in these exchanges and PP Laurie Fagan is the District Chairman for this Group. Members from our club have visited Finland, Sweden, India, South Africa, Turkey, UK, Brazil. We have hosted exchanges from Finland, Sweden, and South Africa, with Turkey to be hosted this year
Rotaract established twice and produced good citizens for our community. We have two members in our Rotary Club who have been Rotoractors, PP Ken Faulkner and Michelle Banfield. Rotaract is a service club for young adults 18-30
Rotary District Committees.  Many of our members have been involved.
Rotary Health Research Fund District 979 supported & we won the inaugural Achievment Award for the Baby Breathing Alarms donation to Hospital
Royal Melbourne Hospital
Rotary Youth Leadership program Sponsorship
RYPEN (Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment)
students have been supported to camps  eg  5 to Nillahcootie
Salvation Army Bushfire Appeal 1982/3
Save the Children donation of a clock
Scholarships to local schools have been awarded
School Debating  Supported
Scrag Tours
Scrap Metal Collection
Seating around town   Ron Caple was one who pushed this.
Senior Citizens Club formed
Senior Citizens list prepared for Home Units for Rodney Council
Seniors Citizens Hall and clubrooms established
Service Club Signs at each entrance to town
Shade Houses to Ardmona Primary School & North Mooroopna Primary School
Shelter Box
Shepparton Cycle Club
Shepparton Iron Man Support for Security of Bikes
Shepparton Search & Rescue support
Shepparton Villages support
Siemens Science Experience Students sent to programs. One at Marine Discovery Centre at Queenscliff and another at Latrobe University
Sir Ian McLennan Centre support
Social Events
Solomon Islands Carl Miller Discovery Grant. Fred Mandersloot & Greg Martin visited and investigated project in Solomon Islands Drinking Water project in Solomon’s  plus a Large Gas Stove
SPC Ardmona Kids-town support
Sports Scholarships
Strathmore Red Cross
Supported many organisations in Mooroopna
Tatura SES support
Tennis Club Support
Tennis Competition for Car Parking at big event 90 courts Mooroopna 2014
TOCH Emergency Light Alarms over 50 installed 1978/9
Toolamba Primary School  supplied Classroom requisites after Fire
Tournament of the Minds
Town survey
Triathlon Support
Tsunami Relief
TYPO Station
Undera Playground Equipment
Unemployment Survey
Ultrasound & Hospital Beds to Zambia Chelston Clinic
Very Special Kids supported with BBQ’s at CBA Bank
Vocational Awards
Water Boxes
Westside Performing Arts Centre 1994/5 received a District significant Achievement Award
Wheelchairs for Kids
Wheelchairs for Rumbalara
XRay. Zambia
Yooralla  financial support. Has also been known as Sheltered Workshop & Abilities Industry
3H support
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