Current club
Rotary is made up of adult men and women. The Mooroopna Club meets Monday Night at the Royal Mail Hotel, 6.00 for 6.30pm start.
First and Third Monday’s are Club nights. The Second Monday is a social night and only the Board meets on the fourth Monday of each month.
History of the club
The Rotary Club of Shepparton appointed a District Governor’s special representative Mr Ed McKeon, a Past President of that club, to investigate the possibility of forming a Rotary Club in Mooroopna.
The club was organised on the 30th April 1964. Charter was granted on 11th May 1964 and presented on the 11th July 1964 at a Charter Dinner at the Victoria Hotel in Shepparton. The first President was the late Rotarian Mack MacKellar who was a member of the Shepparton Club prior to the formation of the Mooroopna Club.
The club chartered with 27 members.
Up to 2014 when the club celebrated its 50th Anniversary there had been approximately 220 members inducted, and the membership has fluctuated between 25 and 46 members at one time.
The Rotary Club of Mooroopna bellows to Rotary District 9790 which is part of the world wide organisation of Rotary International
Over the past 60 year the Mooroopna club has undertaken many projects both locally and internationally. (Past and Present Projects List)